Who we are
Mission Statement
To promote social, economic and health status of sexual gender minority and SWs community members through access to comprehensive health services, economic empowerment, human rights advocacy, community based research, environmental management, and organizational strengthening.
Vision Statement
- Tugutuke Jamii envisions "A socially inclusive society".
Core Values
The work of TJ shall be underpinned by its core values, which are integrity, respect, compassion, justice and partnership. Our core values are anchored on the values of Constitution of Kenya as a key strategy towards upholding and promoting the principle of chapter six of the said constitution.
1. Respect for human rights: We value being considerate, helpful, accommodative, and value to humanity in all that we do while respecting beliefs, norms, values and institutional ethos of our partners/stakeholders.
2. Inclusivity: We advocate for fairness, equity and universal access to services for everyone – no one should be left behind.
3. Transparency and accountability: We uphold values of honesty, openness, transparency, accountability and truthfulness in whatever we do; this includes but not limited to finances, service delivery, data generated and disseminated and human resources processes.
4. Transformative: We cherish and work towards fostering growth and evidence informed knowledge for consistent development.
Governance and Leadership
The organization is governed by a board of directors made up of highly experienced and professional members. The board members provide overall accountability and policy guidance. Effective management is ensured by an Executive Director who reports to the Board and is assisted by the management team. The organization is taking measurable steps in strengthening its policy instruments and infrastructure for effective and efficient operations. We enjoy excellent goodwill and relationship with the target community and are considered a key development partner by the community and the local government structures
Jamii uses the strategy of creating and sustaining beneficial linkages for
resource leverage and implementation. We work with likeminded organizations,
National and County Governments through relevant ministries and departments,
other civil society organizations and the community to ensure better outcomes
and sustainability of our interventions.
Our Programs